How to edit or delete projects and contacts in ConGenius?

Learn how to quickly update or remove projects and contacts from your account

Editing & Deleting Contacts

Step 1: Click on the "Contacts" tab at the top of your screen

Step 2: Search or browse contacts, and click on "Contact Name" or the "View" button on the far right

Step 3: To edit contact or company details, click the "" button

Step 4: To delete contacts or companies, click the "" button and click "Delete Contact" on the bottom left of the "Update Contact" panel

Editing & Deleting Projects

Step 1: Search or click to open a project
Step 2: Click the "" button to modify project details

Step 3: If you are looking to delete the project, click the button on the bottom left of the "Update Project" panel, or click the triple dots on a project card and click "Delete"

Step 4: Type "delete" to confirm project deletion



"Archive" projects is coming soon which will allow you to filter out archived projects on the project board. 

If you get an "error message when deleting a project", we recommend archiving the project and filtering your view in order to clean up your active projects view.